Friday, June 25, 2010

Obama, Lady Gaga compete for Facebook fan record

Lady Gaga and President Obama don't often travel in the same circles, but they're the top competitors in a popularity contest that could have one of them setting a record by this weekend.

Facebook publicists told CNN on Thursday that the pop star and the president are neck-and-neck in the race to become the first living person with more than 10 million fans on the social networking site.

As of early Friday, Obama was in the lead, with 9,058,881 fans. Lady Gaga trailed behind with 9,023,966.

Both of them were more than 4 million fans behind the No. 1 individual, Michael Jackson, who had 13,285,811. The singer died a year ago.

Obama's page, which is run by the group Organizing for America, includes photographs of his recent Gulf Coast visit and links to speeches from news conferences.

His page lists the president's interests as "basketball, writing, spending time w/ kids" and says his favorite books include The Bible, Toni Morrison's "Song of Solomon" and Shakespeare's tragedies.

Lady Gaga's page lists upcoming concerts and includes a biographical article describing how the 24-year-old pop star, who played piano by ear as a toddler, grew into a theatrical performer who wows the masses with flashy performances in international concert tours.

"I'm just trying to change the world one sequin at a time," she says in the posted story.

Facebook says it has more than 400 million active users.

The unofficial popularity contest comes about a year after another internet milestone: a race to attract 1 million followers on the Twitter micro-blogging site.

Actor Ashton Kutcher narrowly beat out CNN, reaching the goal 30 minutes before CNN passed the mark.

Kutcher challenged CNN to the competition, saying he would donate 10,000 mosquito bed nets to charity for World Malaria Day in late April if he beat CNN, and 1,000 if he lost. CNN agreed to donate 20,000 nets.

CNN's JD Cargill contributed to this report.


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