Thursday, December 2, 2010

Be First to See Lady Gaga Wax Figure in London!

Gaga Daily is giving away tickets for you and a friend to see the unveiling of the Lady Gaga wax figure at Madame Tussauds London, which will take place on December 9th!

In the most ambitious figure launch in Madame Tussauds history, London joins seven other attractions around the world revealing new Lady Gaga figures. Each will depict the fashion icon in a totally different style and details about which city is getting which outfit are being kept a closely guarded secret until the moment they are revealed.

Twenty five lucky Gaga Daily readers will get the chance to be at the London attraction for the reveal alongside the UK media at 8.30am, December 9th. Fans are welcome to dress in homage to their idol and will also get the opportunity to tell the media their thoughts on the wax figure and its outfit!

You can enter by simply leaving a comment on any post on the site! Check out the full post for more details and rules of the giveaway…

How to Enter:

Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment on any post on the main page of Gaga Daily! Your comment must be at least two sentences long. No off-topic comments are allowed.

Participants need to be over 18 (and bring ID) and from the UK. 25 winners will be picked randomly on December 6th. Details on how to get their prize (two tickets to the unveiling of the Lady Gaga wax figure in London) will be e-mailed to the winners. After the event, fans will be able spend the morning looking around Madame Tussauds for free.

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