Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tony Bennett Opens For Lady Gaga, Robin Hood Raises 47 Mil in One Night

Written by Jo Piazza
Proving exactly where Gaga ranks in today’s celebrity hierarchy living legend Tony Bennett was the opening act for the one and only Lady at Monday night’s Robin Hood Foundation Annual Gala at the Jacob Javits Center in New York City. Bennett crooned to the 4,000 person crowd over dinner prior to a private performance by Lady Gaga.

You’ve never seen so many wealthy folks exit a room so quickly and politely as when a glowing egg was wheeled through the massive crowd. Thousands followed the egg into the next room for a private Gaga concert, performed entirely free of charge.
“I’m a free bitch baby!!!” Gaga screamed to the crowd of hedge fund managers, who duly “put their paws up” in the air.

The entire evening raised just over $47 million for the Robin Hood Foundation’s fight against poverty, including $11 million raised in a single hour to benefit the foundation’s latest initiative, a program that will aid the growing number of veterans, reservists, national guardsmen and their families living in poverty in New York City.

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