Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Virgin Mobile Partners with Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ Ball Tour

Lady Gaga and Virgin Mobile to Drive Awareness of Youth Homelessness in LGBT Communities.

Virgin Mobile USA announced today that it is extending its award-winning relationship with Lady Gaga, and will be presenting her 2013 Born This Way Ball tour in North America. Through the partnership, Virgin Mobile will educate concert-goers on the issue of youth homelessness, calling on fans to step up to support both its Re*Generation program, which focuses on the issue, and Lady Gaga’s youth empowerment organization, Born This Way Foundation.
One lucky fan selected at each show will have a $5,000 donation made to a local youth homeless shelter on his or her behalf – and then have the opportunity to increase the donation by spreading the word socially or volunteering for the cause. This fan will also get a special surprise from Mother Monster herself.
Virgin Mobile will also be giving fans a variety of ways to get involved in helping raise money to make a difference. Fans at the shows will be encouraged to tweet pictures of themselves, and for every tweet Virgin Mobile USA will donate $1 to a local youth homeless shelter. In support of the Canadian tour stops, Virgin Mobile Canada will be motivating fans to donate to Re*Generation via a text-to-donate program.

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