Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stephen Fry meets Lady Gaga

by Contact Music
Lady Gaga and British intellectual Stephen Fry have joined forces for an interview in the 'Financial Times', according to The Daily Mail. Throughout the interview, Fry reveals his adoration and respect for outrageous singer Lady Gaga.

In the interview, Stephen Fry defended Gaga against comparisons with her predecessor Madonna, stating: 'I may be no expert in pop music but I do know enough to be sure that The Rolling Stones were accused of copying the rhythm and blues of their predecessors, as were The Beatles, The Kinks, The Who and Led Zeppelin and all the way up.' Later in the interview, Gaga revealed her constant self-analysis; one occurrence being after watching her recent performance on 'The Graham Norton Show'. She said: 'I watched it over and over and over and over and over. And I looked at all the parts that I liked and all the parts that I didn't like . and I said, "OK, maybe this part, if your breath control was different, and here, maybe you should try this step." I study everything that I do to become better all the time at my craft'. In turn, this forced Fry to confront his own fears: 'I gulped back my own feelings of inadequacy. I almost never watch myself back on anything'. The two are said to have formed an unlikely and yet strong friendship.

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